by Walt Benecki | Apr 14, 2024 | Fertilizer, Organic Resource Center
Soils around the country differ due to geology, climate, and historical usage. Soils west of the Cascades are typically in short supply of nitrogen and phosphorous, and is frequently acidic. Boron and sulfur deficiencies are not uncommon. Walt’s P-Patch Custom Blend...
by Darrow Brooks | Apr 5, 2021 | blog, Fertilizer
This spring, we will be switching our colloidal soft rock phosphate from the Calphos brand to Fertoz (fur-toes errr… furt-oz) brand. While we might not know how to pronounce the name, we do know that your plants will love it. Plants create sugar from sunlight through...
by Walt Benecki | Aug 15, 2014 | Fertilizer, Organic Resource Center, Uncategorized
Let’s start with the basics: N-P-K: the three primary macro-nutrients required for healthy plant growth. N is for Nitrogen Nitrogen is a macro-nutrient, important to the green growth for all plants. Common sources of nitrogen include: Fish Meal, Blood Meal,...
by Walt Benecki | Apr 25, 2014 | Fertilizer, Organic Resource Center
Note: This post was updated as of Spring 2024. This message is for City of Seattle P-Patch gardeners Based on hundreds of soil tests we’ve received over the years, we’ve custom-blended a fertilizer specifically for P-Patch gardening in the Seattle area....