Our Contribution
To Your Organic Lifestyle
Walt’s 2024 Custom P-Patch Fertilizer Blend
Soils around the country differ due to geology, climate, and historical usage. Soils west of the Cascades are typically in short supply of nitrogen and phosphorous, and is frequently acidic. Boron and sulfur deficiencies are not uncommon. Walt’s P-Patch Custom Blend...
Is there anything I can do?
“I don’t know…is there anything you can do”? (The James Cameron film Aliens, 1986) The sooner we can get our thick skulls around the fact that every day actually is Earth Day, the better. This morning, walking the dog, I picked up litter along the short three block...
10 Ideas for Your 2022 Garden – Part 3
As spring continues to blossom, we bring you the last four ideas for making this years garden an exceptional one. Be sure to read 10 Ideas For Your 2022 Garden Parts 1 & 2. 7. Go Organic The term organic is quite ambiguous. In regard to gardening, “organic” refers...

10 Ideas for Your 2022 Garden – Part 2
Spring has finally arrived! With longer days and slightly warmer temperatures, its time to dig into your garden. Here are the next three ideas to make your 2022 garden fabulous. For ideas #1-3 - See Part 1 of this Blog Series Idea #4 - Garden for Wildlife Our gardens...

10 Ideas for Your 2022 Garden – Part 1
Although shouts of “happy new year” have faded, it's still the gardening new year. Those dormant bulbs are stretching up their fresh green shoots and tender leaves are starting to bud out. Whether you are a well-seasoned gardener with years of experience or are still...

Little Free Library
The newest addition to Walt's Organic Fertilizer Co. is Walt's Organic Library! It is officially registered with Little Free Library, a nonprofit organization whose mission of building community and inspiring readers reaches worldwide. "Walt's Organic Fertilizer Co....
COVID-19 Safety Info
Our Garden Shop is Open for Walk-in Shopping! Masks are REQUIRED to shop in our lot & store. Hand Sanitizer & Gloves available upon request. Our shop is small, but can hold 2 parties inside (all masked) comfortably while still able to social distance. In some...

Goodbye Calphos, Hello Fertoz
This spring, we will be switching our colloidal soft rock phosphate from the Calphos brand to Fertoz (fur-toes errr… furt-oz) brand. While we might not know how to pronounce the name, we do know that your plants will love it. Plants create sugar from sunlight through...

The Buzz about Mason Bees
We are excited to announce the arrival of our Blue Orchard Mason Bee (Osmia lignaria) larvae! Blue Orchard Mason Bee (Osmia lignaria). Photo Credit: U.S. Forest Service Mason bees are a variety of unaggressive, solitary bees, which means each female builds and...

Plant Profile: Witch Hazel
Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash Witch-hazel is a magnificent plant. There are several different species that have been cross-pollinated to create a plethora of cultivars, each with subtly unique growth forms and flower color. Big-Leaf Witch-Hazel (Hamamelis ovalis) -...