
Illustration_Cannabis_sativa by walts organic fertilizers

Somewhere, Peter Tosh must be smiling. The singer, famous for his pro-marijuana stance, is now in good company. Suddenly, it seems like everyone wants to “legalize it.”

In a major reverse, a recent CNN poll found that a majority of Americans approve of legalizing marijuana. Even President Barack Obama weighed in, speculating that marijuana was less dangerous than alcohol.

Cannabis Basics

Two main species of cannabis are cultivated for medicinal and recreational purposes: sativa and indica. Sativas are typically tall, spreading plants, and according to the Golden State Collective Cannabis Laboratories, “produce more of a euphoric high, lifting the consumer’s mood and therapeutically relieving stress.” Sativa is a good choice for people suffering from depression.

Indica, on the other hand, is generally a smaller, bushier plant with a much shorter flowering cycle. Indica species typically “relax muscle(s) and work as general analgesics, also helping with sleep.” GSCCL contends indica would be well suited for cancer patients hoping to relieve pain from chemotherapy. Growers have cultivated a wide variety of hybrids that combine the characteristics of sativa and indica to varying degrees.

The active chemical compounds that provide the medicinal effects of marijuana are collectively called cannabinoids, including THC, Cannabidiol (CBD), and CBN. Sativa sports high THC levels and low or no CBD levels. Indica is more balanced, with moderate THC levels and higher levels of CBD.

Growing Cannabis

Cannabis has five critical growing stages: germination, seedling, vegetative, pre-flowering, and flowering. The flowers, or “buds,” or contain the cannabinoids. Plants typically reach maturity in 60 – 70 days, yielding finished buds that typically average 3-4 ounces.

Cannabis grown organically indoors needs five critical ingredients:

  • organic growth medium
  • warm environment
  • lots of light
  • water
  • nutrients

For more information on growing organic cannabis, read our article about how to achieve the perfect soil for growing organic cannabis indoors.

Is it time for you to go into business?

Growing Insight

This five part series, outlines the basics of what you need to build vibrant living soil.  This approach has been shared with us by solventless extract expert and local activist, Reverend Cannabis. While this system was designed for indoor container growing of organic hybrid sativa marijuana (newly legalized in WA and CO), we believe the principles translate across the horticultural spectrum from Kush to Cukes.

Before we get ahead of ourselves.  As responsible citizens of Washington State lets look at  Growing Insight Part II: Legality of Cannabis in WA>

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